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Help & Troubleshooting

Before troubleshooting, you may check Network Status to see if there are any outages or known issues with our network in your area.

If there is no Outage, please check your Account Balance. If it is overdue, as your service may be restricted

If your internet isn’t working, there could be a number of causes. Line issues, faulty modem and internal wiring problems are common causes of internet faults.Troubleshoot and Log a fault online to help fix the problem.

Slow internet can be caused by:

  • Number of users sharing the same connection
  • The type of activities done (streaming, downloading, etc.)
  • Your device type and specifications
  • Your location and distance from the exchange
  • Your network access (NBN, ADSL, Cable, etc.)
  • The quality of the infrastructure
  • Peak and Off-peak periods

To know more about what plan/speed fits your internet needs, you may check nbn™ speeds

You may also check out our DIY 'I am experiencing slow speeds’ troubleshooting page and follow the steps to find out more.

If our Technical Support team diagnose that your hardware is at fault and it is still under warranty, we can organise a replacement free of charge. You’ll receive an SMS from us with tracking information.

Shipping times can vary depending on your location, but it normally takes 2-5 business days for hardware to arrive from the time you receive the SMS.

We will also include a satchel for you to return the faulty hardware.

Here's where you can track your hardware:

Device Partner Track via
Modem Startrack
Fetch TV box Startrack
Fetch TV accessories Toll (Team Global Express)
Mobile SIM Australia Post n/a


We’ll contact you when we have an update available. You can also follow up by getting in touch on live chat.

Internet Security & Protection

Today’s children (and their parents) face a number of challenges that are very different from earlier generations. Children now have access to many online sources of information, socialization and entertainment. With sites such as You Tube, Facebook, Twitter and other Internet web sites, people, young and old, can interact with each other easier than ever, from anywhere in the world.

It is not uncommon for children as young as 5 to be exposed to the internet, and as they grow up, they’ll continue to surf the web, watch online videos, play online games and communicate with others via social media or other apps.

The internet can be a great place for both entertainment and communication, but it is not without potential risk, as cyberbullying, cyberstalking, child exploitation and more have become more prominent.

There a number of useful online resources available to help you better understand the possible risks and protect your children.


Online safety

eSafety Commissioner

Advice for parents

Advice Overview

Online safety basics
